One-time donation

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Your one-time donation supports the work done by foundation 'De Mangoboom'. Our work starts by taking care of three meals per day for the children. Our work includes providing the materials that are needed to keep an orphanage running, like wood (for the kitchen) and cleaning utensils.  We also make sure that all children visit school daily and that they get the medical care they need.

Will you join us make a difference in the lives of the children at the orphanage?


Please select one of the support amounts below and donate by making use of iDEAL or Paysafecard. Donations from abroad may make use of Mister Cash or SOFORT Banking.

A smaller screen will pop up when an amount has been selected. Please use that screen to verify the chosen amount and adapt it.

On behalf of the orphanage children, we would like to thank you very much for your support!